My New Web Site: Powered by liveBooks

Craig Varjabedian Photography web site as viewed on Mac Book We have been working for the last several months to create a new web site for my photographic work. I am pleased to announce that the new site was officially launched on Monday July 16, 2012. I invite you to stop by and peruse the images (both old and new) and also check out some of the additional materials involving my photography that we have have included on the site.  These include links to and downloads of magazine articles and links to web interviews and video presentations of my work. We have also created the Craig Varjabedian Photography Studio Shop where autographed books, posters and notecards may be purchased with only a few clicks and shipped to you promptly.

The new web site was created in collaboration with liveBooks, probably the preeminent company for web sites for photographers and other creatives. I chose liveBooks because, I noticed that when I was out surfing the web —“cruzin’ for images to discover”— more often or not when I landed on a web site that I liked, I discovered that it was “powered by liveBooks.” A list of my favorite sites include the Richard Avedon Foundation, Chris Rainier, Joe McNally and so many others.

I’ll be writing about our experiences in creating this web site with liveBooks over the next couple of months but for right now, I want to sit back, take a breath and enjoy the fruits of our labor. I invite you to stop by and see our new web “digs” and check out what is new and improved here at our studio located in the land of enchantment. And if you have a moment, please leave a comment or two about the new site. We’d love to hear from you.